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Program Offices within the Office of Higher Education​

The Office of Higher Education (OHE) works to coordinate New York's higher education system and strengthenpartnerships to achieve the most effective use ofresources and improve educational access, opportunities, and studentresults.To accomplish this work, OHE is comprised of five programmatic units:

  • OAECES – Office of Access, Equity & Community Engagement Services
    The Office of Access, Equity & Community Engagement Services (OAECES) oversees the Office of PostsecondaryAccess, Support, and Success (OPASS), which aims to assist students in the preparation for, access to, supportduring, and the successful completion of a postsecondary program, certificate or degree.OAECES also oversees theNew York State My Brother's Keeper (MBK) initiative, whichseeks to “Change the Narrative” of boys and youngmen of color, and all students, by closing and eliminating the opportunity gaps they face and helping them to reachtheir full potential.
  • OCUE – Office of College & University Evaluation
    The Office of College and University Evaluation (OCUE) provides regulatory oversight of public, private andproprietary degree-granting institutions in New York State and the programs of study offered by those institutions.
  • OEQPD – Office of Educator Quality & Professional Development
    By helping school districts and BOCES to develop comprehensive systems of preparation, support, andadvancement for educators that are responsive to local context, the Office of Educator Quality and ProfessionalDevelopment seeks to ensure that all students, regardless of demography or zip code, have access to greatteachers and school leaders.
  • OSPRA – Office of School Personnel Review & Accountability
    The ֱ̨’s Office of School Personnel Review and Accountability (OSPRA) pursuesadministrative educator discipline, manages the teacher tenure employment termination process, and managesfingerprint-supported criminal history background clearances for certification and school employment purposes.
  • OTLD - Office of Teacher and Leader Development
    The Office of Teacher and Leader Development (OTLD) supports ֱ̨’s vision for a sustaining educator pipeline, which systemically addresses the recruitment, development, and retention of high-quality, diverse educators grounded in the teaching and leadership standards.

  • The Office of Teaching Initiatives (OTI) processes New York State educator certificate applications, approves DASAworkshop providers and CTLE sponsors, and responds to inquiries from prospective and practicing educators,school districts, institutions of higher education, and others regarding certification and registration.