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Educator Resources

The following resources are specifically intended for teachers and administrators, to provide ideas and inspiration as they plan and implement remote and/or online learning during extended closures.

ֱ̨ applauds and thanks the thousands of teachers and administrators in New York State who continue, even in these unprecedented times, to focus on doing everything possible to ensure the health, safety, well-being, and education of their students.

Teaching Online / Remotely
    • From the State Ed Tech Directors Association, free resources for educators and administrators to better understand how to teach online.
    • Resources for teaching online, from "Where to Start," to content resources and suggested tools.
    • In this one-hour virtual learning seminar, PBS master trainers and educators share tips and techniques to support engaging, effective distance learning. Educators of children of all ages are introduced to virtual learning technologies, tools, and hacks to set up a digital classroom with confidence.
    • Resources from the COVID-19 Education Coalition, a diverse group of education organizations brought together by the ISTE/EdSurge team to curate, create and deliver high-quality tools, resources and support for educators and parents as they keep the learning going during extended school closures.
  1. (Grades 6-8)
    • Science materials are open educational resources (OER) and are free for anyone to use, share, redistribute, adapt, transform, and build upon for any purpose.
    • A scope and sequence is also available aligned to science standards, as well as other resources.
    • Note: Users register and agree to terms of use science units and unit maps
  2. (Middle School/High School)
    • These free resources provide a wide variety of ready-to-use lessons that have been field tested with teachers and students from throughout the US with funding from the National Institutes of Health. The lesson collections include topics in Neuroscience, Cancer Biology, Environmental Health, Kidney Crisis, Stem Cellsand many more.
    • are also available.
Professional Learning and Support
  1. U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Educational Technology (OET)
    • This guide is designed to provide important resources and recommendations to support teacher implementation of digital learning. Sections in this guide include key considerations, guiding strategies, resources, and reflection questions to help guide your thinking and planning in a way that will be specific to your unique situation and the unique needs of your students.
  2. NYSUT Webinar Series: Teaching in Blended & Hybrid Models
    • In this two-part webinar series hosted by NYSUT, educators discuss practical strategies for teachers to confront the challenges of working with blended/hybrid classes split between in-person and remote environments.
    • ISTE, the International Society for Technology in Education, understand that COVID-19 is posing unprecedented challenges to schools around the globe. In this online PLC, educators are coming together to help meet those challenges. Educators can ask questions, get advice, and learn what other educators are doing around the world.
    • CVES BOCES is offering online webinars for teachers on various aspects of online learning and educational resources. Several webinars will include insights or be run entirely by CVES and area educators on how they are adapting & utilizing specific items/resources for online delivery. The sessions are open to all.
    • CA BOCES is hosting regional meetings for teachers through online conferencing software at multiple times throughout the next few weeks. Organized into job-alike, grade-alike, and subject-alike sessions, they will lead teachers in conversations to brainstorm, share resources, and collaborate on ideas for continuing instruction for students while schools are closed. Teachers can sign up through online tools, and will receive CTLE credit for attending the sessions. Open to component districts only.
    • A collection of professional development videos on how to support distance learning for ELLs.
Instructional Planning Resources
    • Produced by Capital Region BOCES in partnership with its , Essential Ed houses a host of high-quality curriculum planning resources aligned with priority learning standards. Material on the site is optimized for educators and focuses specifically on K-8 math and ELA, middle school science and social studies, and Regents courses. The site is not intended to be used directly by students or parents but is intended to help educators plan standard-specific lessons and units for students. Content also includes resources pertaining to curriculum, instruction and engaging students.
Supporting ELLs with Remote Teaching
    • Nick Fotopoulos, an ELL teacher from an Illinois High School,Helen Vassilio, an ESL specialist from Ohio serving elementary students, andCornelia Okraski, an ESL teacher from a South Carolina High School, discuss what works - and what doesn't work - when teaching English-language learners online during school closures.
    • This resource section includes numerous articles, blog posts, and links to online networks with tips for planning distance learning for English language learners.
    • With the question of equity at the heart, this site discusses what research tell us about teaching ELLs and how can we use this information in distance learning.
    • Resources for students who have access to technology and ideas for for your families who don’t have access to a computer and internet.
    • For MLLs/ELLs, especially those who are at the beginning proficiency levels, it is crucial that they have continued access to materials in their home language(s) to continue their literacy and language development. The recommendations in this document offer general guidance on what to consider as you determine how to best continue your students’ language and literacy development.
    • The equitable education of ELLs is safeguarded by various civil rights laws and policies, as well as by the Every Student Succeeds Act. They ensure support for the language and academic development of ELLs. This document provides a brief summary of each.
    • Resources (video clips, articles, etc.) here are for non-English speaking parents - to help them think through how they might support their child’s learning at home over the coming weeks.
Social Emotional Learning Resources

Students and teachers transitioning to online learning and practicing social distancing are experiencing a major, and likely disconcerting, change in daily activities and interactions, and with that, are under a great deal of stress. During this period in which our ability to check in on one another in person is limited, it is even more critical that we find ways to reach out and check in with each other virtually, supporting everyone’s social emotional learning (SEL) and mental health. Consider offering explicit online SEL or mental health education lessons or incorporate opportunities to practice SEL competencies within academic subject areas. Using community circles in virtual staff meetings and online classes could offer all adults and students an opportunity to be heard, and to voice their experience and concerns. These circles might also offer insights as to adults or students who might benefit from an additional check-in. Consider offering adults, students, and families tools for coping with the stresses of isolation and anxiety in this difficult time. Clearly communicate to families how and where they can reach out with any concerns including by phone and email.

Technical Assistance Centers

  • - These regional centers provide technical assistance, professional learning, and communities of practice around family and community engagement, collaborative leadership, expanded learning, and integrated student supports.
  • - Offers support to schools around mental health instruction, including assistance to identify resources and develop lesson plans/curriculum, develop and implement plans for professional development, establish community partnerships and services, and engage and support families
  • - Schoolwide SEL helps students excel academically, build stronger relationships, and lead happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives.

Supporting Young People and Families

  • Memo RE:Resources for Mental Health and Talking to Young People About COVID-19- ֱ̨
  • - The Parent Portal includes tips for staying safe and healthy as well as ways to have fun during self-isolation. Other resources include parenting in a pandemic, activities to do inside and outside, such as participating in daily video chats with families, recording yourself reading a favorite book or message, and more.
  • - National Association of School Psychologists
  • - National Child Traumatic Stress Network
  • Ի- National Association of School Psychologists
  • - provides resources to school communities in the ongoing support of their grieving students
  • – webinar series with Dr. David Schonfeld presented by the Georgia Department of Education
  • - Institute of Education Sciences


  • – Tips for supporting adults during a crisis
  • – Fact sheet on the signs of stress in yourself or others
  • - Tips for taking care of yourself as an “emergency responder” during this time

Supporting Adults

  • – CASEL offers protocols for use during team meetings to “check-in” on emotions and set the stage for shared learning and work
  • – For use in supporting your team to support field-based teams
  • from WISE Wisconsin and Rogers InHealth - This toolkit offers information, activities, and resources for school leadership and staff to understand, recognize, and minimize the experience of compassion fatigue and to increase compassion resilience perspectives and skills.

Online Learning

  • - The Institute for Social and Emotional Learning has a number of ideas and practices specifically designed to help teachers navigate online teaching, but can easily help parents encourage SEL with their students.
  • - Facing History and Ourselves provides resources for navigating new technologies and ways of teaching during an immensely challenging and uncertain time in our communities, when students’ (and teachers’ own) social-emotional needs are just as critical as academic goals.

Supporting School Transitions

  • - In response to COVID-19, school leaders can take action now using CASEL’s guide to co-create supportive learning environments where all students and adults can enhance their social and emotional competencies, feel a sense of belonging, heal, and thrive.

District Resources

  • - The District Resource Center helps school districts make social and emotional learning (SEL) an integral part of every student's education. Find research, knowledge, and resources curated from school systems across the U.S. to support high-quality, systemic implementation of SEL.
  • - Schoolwide SEL helps students excel academically, build stronger relationships, and lead happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives.

Additional Resources

  • - Speaking Up Against Racism Around the New Coronavirus
  • - A compilation of resources from America’s Promise Alliance
  • - CASEL has curated a helpful list of guidelines and resources for parents, caregivers, and teachers to promote SEL while schools are closed.
  • - health crisis resources
  • - REL Northeast & Islands
  • - The Children’s Institute offers a list of resources to help parents alleviate children’s stress over school closures and another set of resources with activities for children, both on and offline.
  • - resources the Network has been curating regarding the COVID-19 pandemic