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Reminder: Post-High-School Placement (Perkins V Performance Indicator 3S1) Data Survey Period October to December Each Program Year

September 21, 2020

Updated 9-18-2020
Post-High School Placement Data Reporting Form

NEW REQUIREMENT:Please report results for each of your programs on separate worksheets. Remember to submit the Excel file, not a PDF.

The CTE Office collects post-high-school placement data on students who have been enrolled inNew York State Approved Programs.

As in prior years, post-high-school placement data will be collected on CTE students who reached the concentrator level and left secondary education the previous year. A survey of students who participated in New York State Approved Programs should take place between October 1 and December 31 of each program year.Seedata collection questions and answersfor more information.

Ideas to improve survey response rate:Provide instructors with a copy of the survey form. In the event that students visit, the instructor can collect the needed information directly. If possible, obtain the student's e-mail address or other contact information prior to the end of the program. Smaller programs might be able to contact the student's parents for the placement information if the student does not respond.

Post-high-school placement data is the only Career and Technical Education (CTE) data element that is reported outside of the Student Information Repository System (SIRS). All other data is now captured through the SIRS (i.e., high school completion and graduation, performance on English Regents, Math Regents, and Technical Skills assessments, program types, membership in special populations and nontraditional student details).

Placement outcome data collection for New York State Approved CTE programs is accomplished through locally developed surveys (e.g., internet, phone, or paper). To report this data, use the 3S1 spreadsheet. The agency that provided the CTE instruction in the Approved Program is responsible for conducting the survey and submitting the post-high-school placement data on their former CTE students.

Retain a copy of the submitted data for your reference in the event we need to contact you for clarification. Submit your completed MS Excel spreadsheet to the email boxemsccte@nysed.govno later than March 31 of the next year.

Please name your file using the following format: “your school name3S1 ”

A Note to Perkins Grantees
Perkins grantees who do not submit data on 3S1 must provide details on their grant application concerning why their survey results were not collected and/or submitted and what steps will be taken to address these deficiencies.
Failure to submit required data can result in delay of funding. Funds can be withheld if programs do not comply with data reporting requirements of the Perkins legislation.
If you have any questions regarding CTE data, please contact Deb Reiter at 518-486-1547 or e-mail emsccte@nysed.gov.