Department Expectations: Curriculum

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(Application for Registration of a New Program - Task 3)

  • Undergraduate degree programs must contain the required amount of liberal arts and sciences content for the degree award cited.
  • Master’s degree programs shall normally include:
    • A minimum of one academic year of full-time graduate level study, or its equivalent in part-time study
    • An accumulation of not less than 30 semester hours
    • Research or a comparable occupational or professional experience
    • At least one of the following: passing a comprehensive test, writing a thesis based on independent research or completing an appropriate special project
  • The design of each curriculum, and degree programs as a whole, are coherent, implement the philosophy, purposes and educational objectives of the program and institution, and are consistent with professional expectations in the field.
  • Methods of instruction are consistent with the purposes and objectives of the program of each course.
  • Courses are offered frequently enough to ensure timely completion of the program, as demonstrated in the sample program schedule.
  • Curriculum content proceeds from introductory level to advanced level in logical sequence with appropriate breadth, depth, and currency; appropriate prerequisite knowledge and skill is required
    • This is illustrated by the sequence of courses as listed in the Sample Student Schedule and content of syllabi and statements of prerequisites.
  • Syllabi are submitted for all new courses in the major of proposed undergraduate programs.
    • Syllabi for all courses required for proposed undergraduate programs should be available upon request.
  • Syllabi are submitted for all courses of proposed graduate programs.
  • Syllabi are demonstrably consistent with, or superior to those of comparable courses and programs at comparable institutions; syllabi embed the content and skill expectations of professional associations in the field
  • Syllabi are reflective, comprehensive and confirm the expertise and pedagogical skill of the instructor, and should include the following items:
    • course description
    • course objectives
    • prerequisites
    • credits allocated
    • assignments
    • method of assessing student achievement, including the assessment rubrics at the course and project levels
    • basis of grade determination;
    • bibliographic and other resources
    • other course policies related to integrity of credit
    • Author(s) of syllabus and resume(s), if not cited in the faculty table required in Task 4: Faculty.Ěý
  • Syllabi demonstrate that at the course level the requirements for expected time on task meet the requirements ofĚýĚý, that all work for credit is college-level, of the appropriate rigor, and that credit will be granted only to students who have achieved stated learning objectives.


If the proposed program requires the completion of an internship or similar experience, the following expectations apply:

  • The requirement for the internship is detailed in the program description.
  • The internship is a learning experience that provides opportunities for the student to apply knowledge gained through coursework.
    • The primary purpose of the internship is not to advance the operations of the internship site/employer or to complete work that a regular employer would routinely perform.
  • Qualified members of the faculty are assigned to oversee each internship experience.
  • The requirements for each internship experience are outlined in a complete and thorough syllabus, including the elements listed in the Department Expectations: Curriculum document/section of this document. The syllabus also includes the following information, if applicable:
    • required “on-campus” meetings
    • required assignments, e.g., reading assignments, portfolio
    • duration and hours of the internship
    • salary
  • Students are made fully aware of tuition, fees, minimum qualifications or eligibility requirements, and process and/or registration requirements that are specific to the internship.Ěý
  • Students participating in internships are provided a job description or similar document, outlining the specific activities of the position.
  • The institution is responsible for communicating and contracting with the internship hosts, for visiting internship sites, and for securing mid-term and final evaluation reports from the hosts.Ěý
  • Internship supervisors are fully briefed and trained on the institution’s expectations and requirements for the student’s experience and performance and provide routine feedback to the student and the institution.
  • Assessment of the internship experience is included in the institution’s program assessment plans.


Financial Aid Considerations for Degree Programs

The eligibility of the proposed program for the New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP).is determined through a review of the Sample Student Schedule.Ěý

If a program can be completed in the “normal” time for the particular degree level, the program is registered as being offered on a full-time basis. Only programs registered as full time are eligible for TAP.

A full-time program is one that is capable of completion in the “normal” time. For example,ĚýĚýof the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education specifies that a four-year undergraduate degree must be capable of completion in four academic years of full-time study. Thus, a baccalaureate degree that requires 120 semester hours should be capable of completion at the rate of 15 semester hours per semester to be completed in the normal time of four academic years.

“Full-time program” differs from a student’s full-time course load or full-time study requirements. While a full-time program must be capable of completion in the normal time to be registered as a full-time program, students need not complete the program at the rate of 15 semester hours a semester. The full-time study requirement, pursuant to Commissioner’s Regulations section 145-2.1 (a), is a minimum course load of at least 12 semester hours.

For more information on the New York State Tuition Assistance Program, contact theĚýHigher Education Services Corporation (HESC) .


Policy Statement on Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS)

This guidance is intended to assist institutions of higher education in New York State in meeting the requirements of the Rules of the Board of Regents, , Requirements for Earned Degrees, Undergraduate Degrees:

“Undergraduate degrees shall be distinguished, as follows, by the minimum amount of liberal arts content required for each degree. The required liberal arts core shall not be directed toward specific occupational or professional objectives.”

Award/Degree Minimum Total Credits for Award Minimum Number of Credits in LAS
Associate in Arts (A.A.) 60 45
Associate in Science (A.S.) 60 30
Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) 60 20
Associate in Occupational Studies (A.O.S.) 60 0
Bachelor of Arts (B.A./A.B.) 120 90
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) 120 60
Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S. in Ed.) 120 60
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S. in Nursing) 120 60
Most specialized baccalaureate degrees (e.g., B.Arch., B.B.A., B.E., B.F.A., B.I.D., B.M./Mus.B., B.P.S., and B.Tech.) 120 30

Refer to Ěýfor information on theĚýproportion of LAS credits required in awards that are not listed here.

The liberal arts and sciences comprise the disciplines of the humanities, natural sciences and mathematics, and social sciences.Ěý

Examples of course types that are generally considered within the liberal arts and sciences:

  • Humanities:
  • English—composition, creative writing, history of language, journalism, linguistics, literature, literature in translation, playwriting
  • Fine arts—art appreciation, history or theory
  • Foreign languages—composition, conversation, grammar, history of the language, literature of the language, reading, translation studies
  • Music—music appreciation, history or theory
  • Philosophy—comparative philosophy, history of philosophy, logic, schools of philosophy
  • Religion—comparative religion, history of religion
  • Theater—dramatic interpretation, dramatic literature, dramaturgy, history of drama, playwriting
  • Natural sciences and mathematics:
  • Natural sciences—anatomy and physiology, biology, chemistry, earth science, geology, physics, zoology
  • Mathematics—calculus, mathematical theory, statistics
  • Computer Science—broad survey/theory courses
  • Social sciences:
  • Anthropology, cultural studies, economics, geography, government, history, political science, psychology, sociology
  • Criminal justice—introductory and broad survey courses
  • Communications—interpersonal communication, mass communication, public speaking, speech and rhetoric

Examples of course types that are generally not considered within the liberal arts and sciences:

  • Agriculture
  • Business—administration, finance, human resources, management, marketing, production
  • Computer applications (e.g., word processing, database, spreadsheet), programming (e.g., specific languages)
  • Health and physical education
  • Home economicsĚý
  • Education and teaching methodsĚý
  • Library scienceĚý
  • Music—studio, performance, practice courses—voice, instrument, direction, conducting
  • Office technologies and practiceĚý
  • Performing and related arts—acting, costume design, dance, direction, lighting, production, scene construction, sound productionĚý
  • Specialized professional courses in such fields as accounting, architecture, dental hygiene, dentistry, engineering, law, medicine, nursing, nutrition, pharmacy, podiatry, veterinary medicine
  • Studio art—drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture
  • Technology/technician fields—construction, data processing, electrical, electronics, graphic arts, mechanical, medical, refrigeration repair
  • Television and radio production
  • Theology—pastoral counseling, ministry
